
Monday, September 19, 2011

Dr. Pierce on The History Channel

1 comment:

  1. The influence of Morris Dees on The History Channel's description of The Turner Diaries is obvious. The claim that The Turner Diaries is a blueprint for White revolution lacks credibility because, while the main story-line is about a violent revolution (triggered by the government's attempt to confiscate all firearms), the way the protagonists ultimately prevail in the novel (capturing California and tricking the USSR into launching a missile-strike on the USA) is rather far-fetched.

    The story is a vehicle for observations about the direction in which society was headed; for example Dt. Pierce inferred that rape might eventually be decriminalized, and that leniency on Black criminals would lead to Black-on-White violent crime's becoming a constant menace. These were extrapolations of tendencies that Dr. Pierce observed in the 1970s. which can be read in The Best of Attack and National Vanguard.

    Another idea conveyed in the novel is that the life of an individual is less important than the life of the race. Earl Turner has his equivalent of a "journey to the Underworld" or moment of conversion, in which he fully awakens to this fact, and in the end, much like the hero of the Aeneid, sacrifices himself to kill an enemy of his posterity.

    The story of violent revolution over gun-confiscation is mainly a hook to get the reader interested. "What will you do when they come to take your guns?" It was really an ingenious way to get non-racial or Jew-friendly rightwingers to read some racial material and also learn something about the role of Jews in all the political and social trends that they hated.

    Despite the warped exegesis of The Turner Diaries, The History Channel let Dr. Pierce get in some cogent statements about Jewish media-control that surely got some viewers thinking.
