
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The National Alliance in Europe

Commentary by Dr. Pierce from October 1998:

Report from Greece

On October 24 and 25 I attended an international conference of nationalists in Thessaloniki, Greece.  Also attending the conference were representatives of groups in Greece, Portugal, Romania, Flanders, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, and Austria.  It was hoped that representatives of Russian groups also would be present, but none was able to attend.  The Alliance was the only group in the United States represented.  The conference was hosted by the Greek nationalist group Golden Dawn.

In a formal session on October 24 I spoke to approximately 200 representatives of other groups about the work of the Alliance and listened to many reports about the work of other organizations.  On the following day I had informal conversations with a number of individuals.  On October 26, I visited German and French nationalists in Augsburg, Germany, who had been unable to attend the conference.

Altogether this conference and the attendant traveling kept me away from the National Office for six days, but I believe that it was time well spent.  Cooperation across national borders will become increasingly important for progress – and perhaps even for survival – in the future.  But to be able to have meaningful cooperation in the future, we need to establish bonds of trust and understanding now.  At least some headway was made in that direction at the Thessaloniki meeting, as I established several new contacts and further developed contacts I had made earlier this year at the NPD meeting in Passau, Germany.

Cooperation across national borders will become increasingly important for progress – and perhaps even for survival – in the future.

Each time I visit a group in another country I learn new things and gain new insights into our struggle.  In Greece, for example, there is a much stronger sense of ethnic consciousness in the general public than exists in the United States.  This is especially true in northern Greece, in what used to be Macedonia, where Thessaloniki is located.  Nationalism in this area reaches a Balkan intensity, and memory of the struggle for freedom from Turkish rule is still very strong.

A group of about 50 of us took a guided tour of a historical museum, the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, and were lectured by both a museum guide and our host about the historical exhibits.  Both were able to speak without inhibition about Macedonia’s liberation struggle and about the strong dislike Greeks have for Turks, with none of the disgusting Political Correctness which any museum guide in the United States would be bound by.
Despite the stronger sense of ethnic consciousness, Greece is more genetically mixed than the countries of northern Europe.  The people I saw in Thessalonki ranged from tall, light-eyed blondes to people who were so dark I wasn’t sure whether they were Greeks or Gypsies – until I saw some real Gypsies and could note the distinct differences.  Five hundred years of Turkish rule has taken a racial toll.

Much of the ethnic consciousness in Greece is based on culture: language, traditions, etc.  Nevertheless, Golden Dawn is an organization with a clear, genetically based racial policy.

Speaking of genes, I saw a substantially higher percentage of very attractive women in Thessaloniki than I have seen in any part of the United States.  While obesity seems almost to be the rule rather than the exception for women in the United States, I didn’t see a single obese woman in Thessaloniki.  Most had long, slender, shapely legs, which they were proud to display: quite a contrast with the disgusting scenes one sees in every supermarket in America.  I could almost believe that the ancient Greek practice of having young women as well as young men compete naked in athletic contests and thus develop a pride in possessing healthy and well-formed bodies is still effective today.  I saw not a single Black or Asian in the city, although I was told that a few were there.

And speaking of language, that turned out to be much less a barrier than I had feared.  Although simultaneous translation into Greek was provided when I delivered my talk to the conference, I found that I had little or no trouble in speaking with the other representatives.  Most of the Greeks could speak English moderately well – although I had a little trouble with vendors and hotel clerks.  I have hated to see the intrusion of American trash-culture into Europe, but the ease of communicating in English nearly everywhere certainly will make the development of international contacts easier.

Greece, despite its very rich and deep cultural roots, is in some ways a backward country:  certainly where the utilization of modern technology is concerned.  Whereas in America we take word processors, scanners, and laser printers for granted, they are by no means as common in Greece.  Likewise, Internet access is far less common in Greece, even among urban professionals.

In other ways, however, Greece is far ahead of most other countries in Europe:  in the lack of Jewish influence and the consequent greater degree of freedom the people have, for example.  Whereas in Germany citizens are imprisoned for even the slightest transgression against Political Correctness, in Greece people are still free to say nearly anything they want.  This makes Greece a convenient venue for international conferences of the sort I attended in Thessalonika.  The Jews and their collaborators are working to change this, of course, just as they are in the United States.

One thing I discovered which the Jews have done for the Alliance in places like Greece is gives us name recognition.  Every nationalist in Europe has heard about The Turner Diaries, for example.  And being promoted by B’nai B’rith as the most dangerous organization in America also has helped.


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