
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What the Alliance Demands of Us

This editorial has been condensed from a talk given to Washington-area members,
supporters, and friends of the National Alliance on June 3, 1979.

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)

THE MARINES HAVE a recruiting slogan which the Alliance could easily adopt as its own, with only a slight alteration: The Alliance is looking for a few good men — and women. The emphasis is on both “few” and “good,” because there are, unfortunately, relatively few men and women today who have the qualities which the Alliance demands.

Anyone not intimately familiar with the task of the Alliance, with the types of problems we face, and with the human failings evoked by those problems may be excused for assuming that all the Alliance requires of a recruit, besides being White, is that he or she be moderately intelligent, industrious, honest, brave, and so on — the rest of the boy scout virtues.

And, as a matter of fact, that’s about all we can hope for in the great majority of our members across the country. As a strictly practical matter, if a person in Seattle or Atlanta certifies that he is White, agrees with the Alliance, is willing to pay his dues, and says he wants to help, we can hardly fail to accept his membership application. We’re pleased to have him. We depend upon him for getting the Alliance message out to other potential recruits in Seattle or Atlanta and for providing the financial support the Alliance must have in order to exist.

But for our cadres, for those few good men and women who form the organizational backbone of the Alliance, who make up our operational staff, and who do the day-to-day work of the Alliance more is demanded; additional qualities are required.

Topping the list is this: The most essential quality demanded of every cadre is the ability and the willingness to put the good of the Alliance before his personal interests.

That is not just a mushy platitude, of the sort one expects to hear when joining the Rotary Club or the Masons; for us it is a hard rule. Every Alliance cadre is expected to develop the habit of thought which causes him to base his every decision, not on what is convenient or agreeable to him, not on his personal likes and dislikes, but only on what’s good for the Alliance. And then he must invariably act in accord with this ordering of priorities.

The Alliance cadre must learn to subordinate personal friendships and loyalties, as well as personal animosities, to the interests of the Alliance. But subordination does not mean annihilation. The Alliance does not require of anyone that he give up his own personality or his own individuality.

It is not required that he immerse himself in the Alliance in some Oriental sense. The Alliance is not an Oriental organization. It is an organization of healthy, dedicated, individual White men and women, who have different personalities, different likes and dislikes, and different types of friends.

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The Alliance is not interested in changing that. All the Alliance demands in this regard is that whenever a conflict arises between personal interests and Alliance interests, the Alliance cadre must put the Alliance’s interests first, ahead of his own. This requirement means, for example, that if a personal friend does something or says something harmful to the Alliance, and one must make a choice between the desire to keep the friend and the obligation to protect the Alliance, then one has no hesitation about what that choice will be.

It means that, when one is engaged in an Alliance activity which is supposed to be carried out in a certain way, one doesn’t try to change that way or to persuade others to change it to a way more agreeable to oneself — but, perhaps, less agreeable to the prospects of accomplishing the Alliance’s task successfully.

In view of what the Alliance is trying to do, this demand should seem reasonable to most of the people we attract. But we are living in the “me” generation, and we run across a great many people who are constitutionally incapable of complying with or even understanding this demand.

Perhaps it’s because when they were very young their parents gave them everything they wanted and never disciplined them, or perhaps it’s due to some other cause, but it is a fact that there are people who can no more comprehend the notion of subordinating their desires to the needs of the Alliance than a normal person can imagine what a spider feels when having sex or what a snake feels when shedding its skin; the idea of putting anything ahead of their personal interests is wholly alien to them.

No matter how clever or talented such a person is, he cannot become a good cadre. That is the case now, when the Alliance is subject to the strain of never having enough money to support its cadres properly, of having to put pressure on people to get the necessary work done; and it will be even more the case in the future, when a larger and stronger Alliance is subject to real persecution.

The fact is that we cannot afford to have cadres who cannot or will not put the Alliance first. Nor, for that matter, can any organization in our position.

The second quality that the Alliance demands of us is an undivided sense of responsibility for the work of the Alliance. The Alliance needs doers, not talkers; participants, not observers; diligent workers, not dilettantes.

The Alliance cadre cannot be a clock-watcher, a person concerned only with going through the motions of his task. He must be concerned with the outcome of everything he does, with the quality and effectiveness of his work. He must be willing to accept responsibility for his failures as well as for his successes.
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The Alliance needs worriers, men and women who do not assume that everything will somehow work out for the best, but who understand that the whole future rests on their shoulders and that if the Alliance fails in its task, the race will perish.

Finally, the Alliance demands that all its cadres have a long-range view of our task.

A great many people come to us with a short-range view. “Let’s get rid of the Blacks,” they say. “Let’s take the country back from the Jews. Let’s have a revolution. Let’s awaken the masses.” And they actually expect to see a revolution take place in a year’s time. When it doesn’t they usually become discouraged, lose interest, and quit.

There are others without quite such naive expectations, but who still have a far too limited vision of the task we are facing. They believe that one can build a mass movement of racially motivated White people in this country today simply by waving one’s arms and exhorting the masses to rise up. They envision tens of thousands of militant Whites on the march after a few months of intensive propagandizing and organizing.

Every organization encounters people with these short-range views — and some adapt their way of operation to these people. The leaders of such organizations keep waving their arms and dreaming up new gimmicks, in order to maintain the interest of members and supporters with short attention spans.

And this technique tends to work, because a person gullible enough to believe that America’s problems can be solved in a year is also gullible enough to believe that every new gimmick presented to him, every special project, is the one that’s going to do the trick, no matter how many gimmicks he’s been disappointed by in the past.

But the Alliance doesn’t operate that way.

If a new member with high hopes for a quick success signs up in Seattle and then loses interest after a year, there are no hard feelings. We’re happy to have had his help for a year.

But what the Alliance is trying to do now, above all else, is recruit a few good men and women, cadres who will be integrated into the organizational structure of the Alliance and on whom we can depend for a long time to come. When one of these people gives up, it sometimes disrupts an important program. Often, it would have been better if the Alliance had not come to depend on such a person in the first place.

So that’s why we don’t wave our arms and shout very much, why we don’t engage in a lot of hyperbolic rhetoric, why we don’t perform stunts for the controlled media in order to be mentioned in the newspapers. It’s because we aren’t trying to attract a lot of people with short attention spans.

There’ll be a time for them later. Right now they just tend to get in the way.

In summary, three qualities have been mentioned which the Alliance demands of its cadres:

It demands that we have the ability to and will always put Alliance interests ahead of our own.

It demands that we have a profound sense of personal responsibility for our work.

And it demands that we approach our work for the Alliance with a long-range view, understanding that our task is not something to be gotten over in a hurry, so that we can go back to what we were doing before, but that it is something to be worked on for as long as it takes for its final accomplishment — even if that means for the rest of our lives.

Just because the Alliance is now beginning to experience the first tiny trickle of success in its long and difficult program, we must not relax our vigilance or our discipline. Instead, success must make us be harder on ourselves and demand more of ourselves than ever before.

That is the road to total success, to complete success in accomplishing the Alliance’s task, and it is the only road.

 * * *

From Attack! No. 70, 1979, transcribed by Anthony Collins and edited by Vanessa Neubauer, from the book The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard, edited by Kevin Alfred Strom

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